Lansing (AP) – Michigan is reporting a second straight big drop in unemployment, with the rate down 2.1 percentage points in two months.
The Michigan Department of Technology, Management it Budget said Thursday that Michigan’s seasonally unadjusted unemployment rate stood at 3.2 percent in September, dawn from 9.2 percent in August and 10.3 percent in July. The rate was 9.8 percent in September 2’011.
The department said joblessness fell in all 17 of Michigan’s major labor markets. The main reason, it said, was a shrinkage in the size of the labor force, down 36,000 since August.
The Detroit labor market’s rate fell to 10 percent in September Fr-am 10.9 percent in August. in the Grand Rapids area, joblessness fell to 6 percent from 6.9 percent.